Monday, June 4, 2012

Hello! I decided to create this blog after the dust-up surrounding the sale of Pinpics to new owners. Concerns were raised, about the quality and integrity of the information provided via Pinpics going forward. Also, I had my own thoughts that since the closure of photos of Disney pins that have been scrapped haven't been making there way out into the pin community as easily as before. Combined with the knowledge that Pinpics moderators are already overwhelmed with other aspects of maintaining the database, scrapper reports may not always be added to a Pinpics listing. So I decided an independent listing of pins that are currently being sold by Chinese manufacturers would be useful to Disney pin collectors.

 All of my information comes directly from the websites of the Chinese manufacturers, or through postings on marketplace websites such as Trade Key. Anyone interested in doing their own investigating simply needs to Google a combination of words such as Disney Pin Manufacturer China. I'm not sure how often images get updated. Most of the images, I gathered in March 2012 are the same ones I saw several months earlier, when I first started Googling.

 I will list the Pinpics numbers, and a link to the original internet page where the pin was pictured. I am not sure if I can include the picture of pins myself, ironically due to copyright issues. But I am saving pictures and screenshots to my personal computer in case the link ever ceases to function or the photo is removed from the internet.

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